Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 10/27/2023 aviation park halloween manteo merchandise wooden boat show Oct 27, 2023
Geriatric Hospital
As my wife and I go see our son play lacrosse we often drive through central Virginia. Every time we pass the Piedmont Geriatric Hospital in Crewe, Virginia (2.8 stars on Google) Bonnie threatens to drop me off.  This is usually followed by a long discussion as I explain...
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Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 9/29/2023 5k beach destinations boat winterization el nino locals summer remarkable women shoulder season the hero turtles wooden boat show Sep 29, 2023

Movie I'm Watching

The Hero, 2017
The story is a little depressing about a washed-up actor confronting his mortality, but the cast is great and the acting is excellent. I give it a B+.
Book I'm Reading
Remarkable Women of the Outer Banks, by...
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