Wanchese Scallops and Bacon

food seafood Dec 24, 2021
Wanchese water tower
So I'm in the Southern Shores Food Lion and I'm cruising past the seafood section, which I usually try to ignore because most of their product is shipped half-way around the globe and that doesn't make any sense because the best seafood in the world is just a few miles away, when I make eye contact with an older man who's hoarding something from the free-standing freezer.  He starts talking to me, which I find a little odd because I'm not standing in one spot, I'm hustling through the store at a good clip.  He asks if I've tried the thing in his hand (the thing that he's obviously hoarding).  I'm game for a little Q/A and I stop and ask him what it is.  He explains that it's scallops wrapped with bacon.  I tell him to keep talking.  He says they're the best and he came back to stock his freezer with them.  The best part is, they're made by the Wanchese Seafood Company. www.wanchese.com
Interest Officially Piqued
This man is so excited he even tells me how to cook them (broil one side until the bacon crisps, then flip and do the same to the other side, about 10').  I figure I've got nothing to lose and Wanchese Seafood should hire this guy.  I take one package home and pop them in the oven.  Poor things never stood a chance.  They were amazing.  Now I'm shopping for a freezer so I can begin hoarding scallops with bacon.


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