Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 9/2/22
Sep 02, 2022Gone Fishing?
A friend of mine called a few days ago to invite me out for flounder gigging. Gigging for flounder is done at night, wading in shallow water, with a flashlight and a spear. When you see two eyes reflecting light back at you, thrust your gig in that general direction. I've never been but I'm always up for a new adventure. Unfortunately, fishermen are limited to one flounder per person. Seems like a lot of work for one bottom feeder. Who cares! I'm stoked! Where's my trident?!
Hello, I'd Like To Report a Murder
Too slow to get a photo but I was looking out my window and saw a large bird of prey just standing in the driveway. My wife and daughter saw it as well and were additionally surprised. My wife, without a camera (rookie mistake), stepped out the front door to investigate. As the bird flew away we saw it carrying a dead squirrel in its talons. Ahh, communing with nature.
In Case You Missed It
Check out the Savannah Bananas baseball team. I first heard about this team's owner, Jesse Cole, on a business podcast a few years ago. Jesse wears a yellow tuxedo to every event just so he'll stand out. He's a modern day P.T. Barnum always looking for ways to make a more entertaining product. Jump ahead and I started seeing The Bananas on Twitter videos dancing during baseball games. Finally, my wife and I watched them on ESPN. Bonnie, who was a college softball player and had never heard of them, was immediately intrigued. Every Savannah Bananas home game has been sold out since their first season in 2016 and the waiting list is in the thousands. I'm not a huge baseball fan because the game is a little too slow to watch. In my opinion, MLB should take note of what the Bananas are doing and borrow a few ideas.
What I'm Drinking
Spindrift sparkling water with real fruit squeezed in. My favorite it grapefruit.
I'm not a big soda drinker and plain water gets old for me unless I'm working in the heat, so I like to relax with a sparkling water. It's becoming a crowded market with all of the companies touting their flavors, but Spindrift nailed it with real juice added in.
As an aside, I'm thinking of buying a carbonated sparkling water maker. If anyone has experience with this and an opinion please let me know. [email protected].
What I'm Reading
Logs and Moonshine: Tales of Buffalo City, NC, by Suzanne Tate
When we envision Ghost Towns we probably think of a dried up western town from the Gold Rush days or something similar. We don't think of an overgrown wooded area surrounded by wetlands and water, devoid of human existence. Part of me thought there must be something worth looking for back in the woods around Milltail Creek....until I read this book. The people living in this logging camp scraped by with just the bare essentials. I'm pretty sure nothing of any value has been left behind or not scavenged after 90 years. That being said, the book is an oral history from residents who lived in Buffalo City, each telling what life was like.
Things To Do
This video has been mentioned before and here is another opportunity to watch it. I've never met Jesse Hines but he's a local surf legend and someone I'd like to get on the podcast. A young man, Mike Leech, made a documentary on Jesse which will be shown at the YMCA in Nags Head.

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