Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 12/15/2023

Dec 15, 2023
Nothing says, "Happy Holidays" like a giant ball of meat.
Remember when we were kids passing the giant Christmas meatball around the table and taking a big bite out of it? The toothpick, alone, was ginormous!
-Something I hope I don't live long enough to hear.
Book I'm Reading
Vietnam War: Lesson of a Lifetime, Charlie Beasley
This book is a first-hand account of an Outer Banks local who goes to Vietnam and serves with the Airborne Rangers on Long Range Reconnaisance Patrols.  The book has drama filled stories in Vietnam along with descriptions of the Outer Banks in the 1950s.  I had the pleasure to record a podcast episode with Charlie (who also goes by Robbie) and you can find it here.
New Olympic Sport?
The video is said to be a hoax, but the addition of the bear makes it so subtle that it's almost believable.
12/17/2023, Wright Brothers Anniversary Event
Vintage Beech airplane on display.  Free entrance for this special event.
12/27/2023, Hatteras Island's Annual Christmas Bird Count
Volunteers are needed for this annual event.  Dress warm and have your Audubon books ready.
Last Minute Gifts
If I were invited to a party this holiday season (BTW, my schedule is wide open) I would look to Kill Devil Rum and Sanctuary Vineyards for gifts.  Kill Devil Rum distills their own spirits in Manteo and you can purchase them at local ABC stores.  Sanctuary Vineyards is just across the Wright Memorial Bridge and they make award-winning wines.
BTW, I've recorded podcast episodes with both owners/managers.
Don't forget to use this awesome link to book your next getaway. When I'm not on the Outer Banks I enjoy going to Beaufort, NC (which some may argue is still part of the Outer Banks), Central Virginia, and Vermont.
Small print: Should you use this link to make a purchase, I may receive a small commission. Cheers! 
If you think someone you know would enjoy these emails, please send them a copy of this link so they can be added to the list.  Cheers!
Check out the new t-shirt designs (see photo above) and order your Outer Banks merchandise to show your affection for the OBX and help support this newsletter.  It also makes a great Christmas gift.
Have a Great Weekend,
John Van Lunen

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