Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 11/10/2023
Nov 10, 2023
Jimmy Buffett
When I go on social media I see that people are still mourning the loss of Jimmy Buffett, and I get it. One song that you never hear and in my opinion deserves to be in his Top Ten is "False Echoes". If you haven't heard it, don't expect an upbeat tune with funny metaphors. This song was created to honor the memory of his father. In Jimmy Buffett's book, A Pirate Looks at Fifty, he describes how his grandfather captained a five-masted, 176-foot vessel called the Chicamauga. Later research discovered that his ship was actually called Chiquimula, but JB didn't have Google back then. The song is beautifully written and a touching tribute that only Jimmy Buffett could have achieved.
One particular stanza is worthy of an explanation.
On the old Chicamauga the Signal Jacks flew
And the message they spelled out caused a great bally hoo
Every ship in Havana then hoisted away
All the pennants were ‘a flyin’ on my dad’s first birthday
What happened was, Jimmy Buffett's grandfather was the skipper of the Chiquimula (mistakenly called the Chicamauga) anchored in Havana Harbor (pre-Communism) when he found out his wife had given birth to their son (Jimmy's father). The captain decided to fly all the pennants to celebrate. When the other ships in the harbor saw this they asked what was happening and, upon hearing the news, every ship decided to join the celebration.
To this day I can't think of a cooler way to celebrate a child's birth.
The rest of the song paints a picture of his dad's life, along with his struggle of dealing with dementia.
Chasing false echoes like a lost legionnaire
He waltzes on memories while he fades like a flare
If you've seen friends or family dealing with dementia, you know how emotional it can be. This song is no different.
Final note: The person singing back-up vocals is some guy named James Taylor.
Be aware that this link contains a "hidden" track on the back half. It's not a 15 minute song.
11/11/2023, Free Admission to National Parks
Wright Brothers Memorial is free on Veteran's Day. Last chance for free admission in 2023.
11/17-18/2023, 19th Annual Bazaar and Arts Festival
This community favorite has arts, crafts, jewelry, and food.
11/17/2023, Town of Manteo, Merry Market
This holiday spin on the Manteo Farmer's Market is a fun way to get out of the house and support local vendors.
11/18/2023, 5th Annual Misfits and Rejects Holiday Handmade Market
Check out these local artists and their merchandise.
11/25/2023, The Big Currishuck at Sanctuary Vineyards
A big celebration with wine, beer, seafood, and music. Get your tickets early.
12/31/2023, New Year's Eve, Downtown Manteo
This family-friendly celebration will have live music and often has fireworks (more details to come). To enhance your enjoyment it's highly recommended to get a room downtown so you don't have to drive home after midnight. If so, be sure to book early.
Feel free to use this link to book your NYE stay in Historic Downtown Manteo.
Small print: Should you use this link to book your stay (anywhere), I may receive a small commission. Cheers!
More info on NYE in Manteo.
Don't forget to order your Outer Banks merchandise to show your affection for the OBX and help support this newsletter. It also makes a great Christmas gift.
Have a Great Weekend,
John Van Lunen
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