chesapeake bay diesel beach hometown hype manteo mike leach pro wrestling waterspouts Sep 06, 2024
Rocco dog


A random (and true) story about my "idyllic" childhood.

My first childhood home was a slice of middle-class suburban life just outside the D.C. beltway.  To this day I'm still friends with my neighbors from two doors down.  It was a classic upbringing in the 1970s with kids playing outside in the street or yard.  My brother, four years older than I, had a friend, Bobby, down the block whose father was a cop.  Bobby's dad must have been full-on testosterone because he had Bobby boxing and lifting weights when he was in elementary school.  It must have paid off, to some degree, as Bobby Markovich would later become a professional wrestler (AKA Bob Bradley, video below).  He wasn't a big name and wrestling wasn't as big as it is now, but it was fun seeing him on TV. 
I was probably 8 or 9 years-old when a bunch of us were playing outside in front of the house.  For reasons unknown my friend Michael got in to a discussion with Bobby that concluded with Bobby stating that he could beat me and Michael in a wrestling match.  Michael, against my objections, accepted the challenge. Michael must have given me one hell of a sales pitch because the next thing I know he and I were standing shoulder to shoulder on the neighbor's side yard getting ready to take on a future professional wrestler.
Bobby's strategy was brilliant.  Grab the weakest guy first (me) and toss him out of the way thereby turning the match in to a one-on-one.  I vaguely recall peacefully flying through the air like a rag doll until violently landing on my back whereupon all my attention was focused on sucking air back in to my lungs.  While gasping for oxygen I looked up at Michael and Bobby who continued the match without flinching.  I give Michael credit.  He could have turned and run but he squared up with Bobby and went down with dignity.  Unlike me.
Had I somehow been able to see the future I would have made a brilliant decision that day and stayed indoors. Instead I became a statistic for Bobby's budding wrestling career.

Chesapeake Bay

Good news for the health of Chesapeake Bay.

In Case You Missed It: Waterspout spotted off Hatteras Island

Treat them like wild horses; don't get too close or you will get trampled.

Diesel Beach (the nickname for Buxton Beach)

If you've been following the Buxton Beach saga, here's more.

Hometown Hype

Here's a great video describing life and surf culture on the Outer Banks.


First Friday In Downtown Manteo, 9/6/2024

A great evening of shopping, dining, and entertainment in Manteo.


Football Reading

Now that football is upon us here's a fun book written by the late, great Mike Leach.  Some current coaches talk about coaching with joy but Leach was cutting edge by teaching an innovative style, setting up his players for success, and letting guys ball out.



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Have a great weekend,

John Van Lunen

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