Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 7/13/2024
Jul 13, 2024
Kitty Hawk Wildlife
A few days ago I stepped outside of the Harris Teeter in Kitty Hawk and I spotted a bald eagle flying directly above me. He landed on a nearby tree and that is the photo at the top of the page. As I was admiring the bird a man walked by and I brought it to his attention. Like me, he was very impressed. Seconds later a woman walked by and I mentioned the bird to her as well. Unlike the man, she didn’t bother to look up. She gave me a curt wave and mumbled something under her breath. Mildly shocked, I said, "Not a big deal?" She mumbled something else and continued about with her miserable day. Sorry, lady, I'm not going down that road with you.
Is That A Snake In Your Pants?
Sometimes life is stranger than fiction.
What I’m Reading
Gods at Play: An Eyewitness Account of Great Moments In American Sports, by Tom Callahan
I can't remember who recommended this book to me and after purchasing it I didn't open it for several months. Once opened it was impossible to put down. On its face this book is a compilation of vignettes. Each sharing a slice of the American sports world; the moments, the main characters, and the media who covered it. Callahan shares first-hand accounts, usually behind the scenes. What's more, it's not just reporting on what happened, this book is an opportunity to meet and get to know the people that were there.
In a deeper sense this book may be the last rites for newspaper reporters. Remember when the sports media were called reporters and writers? To be a writer meant you possessed a craft. Sports media sounds like somebody doing public relations in the athletic world. What happened to good writing? We used to have big newspapers and they used to have good writers. If social media has taken over how we consume the news, it has failed miserably. Social media is flooded with amateurs pretending to be experts and they are drowning out the legitimate professionals.
Summer Shade
The best beach umbrella (or any type of artificial shade) needs to be effective, portable, and simple to set-up. And if you're on the Outer Banks, it needs to be able to stand-up to a strong breeze.
Sun Ninja Pop Up Beach Tent
This stretchable spandex canopy is easy to set up and offers great sun protection in variable winds. I like how it uses sand bags for anchoring. If I were going to spend a lot of time sitting on the beach this is the one I would buy. Key points: Just under 8 lbs. Half the price of Shibumi.
At a glance this seems like something that would work. But then I read some of the reviews for this item and they almost all said "Loud!" When the breeze picks up on the Outer Banks (and it will) this thing must be annoying. Key points: $270 for a pole and some fabric?! Yes, it's very portable and easy to set-up, but what if there's no wind? That's when you really want shade.
Commercial-Grade Beach Umbrella
Go with what the professionals use. I bought these umbrellas for my watersports business and never regretted it. I kept one before I sold the company. Expensive? Yes, but with a little care they should last a long time. Portable? Semi. Definitely get the model with a 2-piece support pole so it can fit in the trunk. Small? Only good shade for 1 or 2 people.
Summer Concert Series at Dowdy Park
Weekly Markets on Hatteras Island
Avon Farmer's Market on Tuesdays
Tri Villages Market on Wednesdays
Old Trent Market on Thursdays
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Have a Great Weekend,
John Van Lunen
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