Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 6/21/2024
Jun 21, 2024
Happy Summer! 6/20/24
My favorite time of year.
The Beach Boys
My kids gave me tickets to The Beach Boys concert in Manteo as a birthday/Father's Day gift not knowing that I was coaching at a lacrosse tournament in Williamsburg, VA that weekend. After talking to the tournament director he felt that I would be done by 3:30. Excellent. A two and a half hour drive would get me home by 6 and a sprint to Manteo meant I might arrive close enough to the opening song at 6:30. It was the perfect plan.
Until it wasn't.
I actually left the athletic complex at 3:15 and was beginning to get a little excited I might have time to shower when I got home. My optimism was high all the way up until I hit a huge back-up at the Monitor-Merrimac Tunnel. %$#*&#@!!!!!
After wallowing in standstill traffic for an hour, whatever remaining hope I had was soon dashed when I hit another back-up at the High Rise Bridge.
Four hours later I pulled in to my yard, defeated. I calculated that, at best, I could get to the show around 7:30. If I didn't have to get up early the next day and drive back to Williamsburg I would have considered going late. Maybe next time, Beach Boys. The videos on Facebook look like it was a good time.
International Yoga Day, 6/21/2024
Namaste y'all!
License-Free Fishing Day, 7/4/2024
Fish anywhere in North Carolina without a fishing permit.
Bikinis and Coffee?
First, when is this coming to the Outer Banks?
Second, $22 for a coffee and a water? I must try that coffee!
Third, she's right about complaining over the price. If you don't like it. Go someplace else.
Fourth, she was oddly quick with that hammer.
Orcas were sighted off the coast of Hatteras Island....allegedly.
The North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries is investigating the authenticity of several photos purporting to show orcas off the coast of Cape Hatteras last week. -The Virginian-Pilot
If they want to learn the truth, ask the child. Kids will usually be very honest and when they aren't, they typically have a bad poker face.
Fishing is very relaxing
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Have a Great Weekend,
John Van Lunen
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