Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 4/28/23

Apr 28, 2023
Book I'm Reading
Shipwrecks of the Outer Banks: Dramatic Rescues and Fantastic Wrecks in the Graveyard of the Atlantic, by James D. Charlet
Charlet tells each story based on research and reports. The heroism and fortitude exuded by our local lifesavers is tremendous.
Stay tuned as I'm hoping to have Mr. Charlet on the podcast soon.
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My Head Hurts
Being a head lacrosse coach at the high school level is not a prestigious position and thinking I have any authority is almost laughable. However, if there is one time I'm glad I can flex my muscles it's when I get to tell the kids to turn off their crap rap music. I'm officially old.
Gwyneth Paltrow, JLo and more stars over 50 keep going viral for posing nude. Why is it still a big deal?
Ooh! Ooh! I know this one! Because they're hot and nude?
Don't Forget The Fried Chicken On Your Way Down
Royal Farms opens its first franchise in North Carolina. Located in Grandy, just 15 minutes from the Wright Memorial Bridge, it sits where the 7-Eleven used to be.
Things To Do
The Dare Arts Courtyard will be hosting live music at lunch time on Wednesdays throughout the warm months. Starting May 10, 11:30am to 1:30pm.
Finally, if you want to support Treasures of the Outer Banks and its podcast you can make a small donation of $5/month.  In return I'll send you a monthly video of life on the Outer Banks and for first time members I'll send you a Treasures of the Outer Banks sticker.  As always, you can reach out to me for questions or advice regarding the Outer Banks.
Have a Great Weekend,
John Van Lunen

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