Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 2/23/2024

highland brewing lost pig waterfowl festival Feb 23, 2024

School Just Got Way More Interesting

First, this product can be purchased online?
Second, this occurred over two days?  I wonder what tipped off the adults?  "Why is our normally miserable child giggling uncontrollably?" 
Third, are elementary school health classes going to teach a section on safe "tripping"?


This could have gone wrong in so many ways.  Doesn't Hardees have a country ham breakfast sandwich?  Or maybe that's where he escaped from and they unwittingly sent him back to the gallows.

Hatteras Beach Smells Like A Gas Station

And not in a Royal Farms fried chicken kind of way.  Hopefully, this issue will get the attention it deserves.


2/23-24/2024, Hatteras Village Waterfowl Festival
Bird watching, duck decoys, duck calling, and local artisans will give you plenty to see and experience this weekend on Hatteras Island.

What I'm Drinking

B'Autumns Up! by Highland Brewing in Asheville.
I couldn't find it on their website because it's a seasonal beer and autumn is definitely over. I know the Southern Shores Food Lion still has it.  That being said, I like this beer with its mild, dark, and rich flavors. The beer is a Munich Dunkel with 5.0% ABV. Besides that the beer is cleverly named. 


If you're looking for the best stuff for travel or the beach, I have listed several items I have personally used.  Go to the link below and take a look.


If you think someone you know would enjoy these emails, please send them a copy of this link so they can be added to the list.  Cheers!
Small print: Should you use any of the links to purchase something, I may receive a small commission.  Cheers again!
Have a Great Weekend,
John Van Lunen

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