Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 2/16/2024

environment hatteras island ranch water sanctuary vineyards st. patrick's day parade Feb 16, 2024

Google To Map World-Wide Methane Leaks

I bet my brother’s house will be on the map.  That guy can clear out a room!

A Sign the Apocalypse is Upon Us

or How To Kill Your Political Career In One Step

My mom used to say, "The thing about common sense is that it's not very common." She also used to say, "I'll have another drink, please."

Best Hard Seltzer

I have previously mentioned my appeal for Ranch Water Hard Seltzer. Wirecutter, The New York Times product recommendation service, likes it too. They rank it as their favorite. I should add that I'm only a fan of the original flavor.

The Internet

I hear/see complaints regarding the internet's interference in our personal lives.  I need to create a course on how to remain anonymous on the internet.  It, obviously, has no idea who I am.
Here's a message from Indeed, the job search app.
Hi John,
We saw your profile on Indeed and thought you would be a great match for the 6-12th Grade Tutor (0901) opportunity. Please submit a quick application if you have any interest.
What subject could they possibly think I'm qualified to teach? I still don't know how to turn my phone off.

Environmental Issue On Hatteras Island

On a more serious note, this post by Brett Barley is alarming.


2/16-18/24, Sanctuary Vineyards

They will be showcasing a new release of The Plank wine.

3/17/24, 33rd Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade

History tells me I can almost guarantee the weather will be cold and rainy.


If you're looking for the best gear for travel or the beach, I have listed several items I have personally used.  Go to the link below and take a look.



If you think someone you know would enjoy these emails, please send them a copy of this link so they can be added to the list.  Cheers!
Small print: Should you use any of the links to purchase something, I may receive a small commission.  Cheers again!
Have a Great Weekend,
John Van Lunen

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