Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 3/15/2024

10k 5k boring sports by-pass good help running of the leprechauns soundside spring market spelling bee spring break st. patrick's day st. patrick's day parade syracuse lacrosse Mar 15, 2024


They should have kept this in front of the school.  What a great way to reinforce kids staying in school.  That, or it would propagate a whole generation of people who couldn't spell scool, skool, skul, school.

Good Help Wanted

I saw this while I was driving down the road the other day.
I'm not sure I'm qualified to apply for a job that's looking for good help and I don't think I'd enjoy that kind of pressure.  Decent help?  Probably.  I could do a decent job.  There's a decent chance I'd show up every day and there's a decent chance I wouldn't cost you millions of dollars in mistakes every day. I'll wait until they change the sign before applying.

Finally, a boring sport gets exciting.

This story is hilarious in so many ways.  First, "fans" show up to watch a cross country skiing race?  I thought only the parents of the racers watched these things.  Second, people get drunk at the races and nobody called me?  Third, what could possibly be so aggravating to happen at one of these snooze-fests that could start a fight? Except running out of beer. That could start a fight.
My favorite quote is from the winner, Frida Karlsson, who was booed as she crossed the finish line, "It was certainly ungrateful. I just felt, 'Can't you just feel sorry for me, please?' I wasn't feeling so good towards the end," she said with a smile.
Stay classy, Norway.

Syracuse University Men’s Lacrosse

Kill Devil Hills is where the nationally ranked Orangemen chose to spend spring break.  For the local lacrosse players this was a big thrill to see and meet some of the nation’s best college players.  The Town of Kill Devil Hills was nice enough to let them use the new Meekins Field for practices and, in return, SU led a lacrosse clinic the the First Flight Middle School team.

Watch Out!

This is a disturbing statistic and I know it won't solve every problem, but, don't ride your bike on the by-pass.


3/16, Sanctuary Vineyards
Pre-Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with some green wine, beer, and pizza. Watch the scary movie at your own peril.
3/16, Running of the Leprechauns
Want to get rid of some winter weight? How about a 5k or 10k?
Be sure to thank the First Flight lacrosse players working the water stations.
3/17, St. Patrick's Day Parade
Thrills! Chills! Refills?
3/30, Soundside Spring Market
Local artisans are available to sell their wares.

Spring Break!

Although the ocean will most likely be intolerably cold, there's still plenty to do here if you want to get out of Dodge.

Book an awesome place to stay with this link.



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Have a Great Weekend,
John Van Lunen

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