Did You Hear Something?
Jul 20, 2022
My goal for yesterday was to post a new podcast. When I opened the file I realized I still had a bunch of work left to do. No problem, I said to myself, I'll knock it out Wednesday morning. I woke up at 4 a.m. today, looked at the file again, and realized it's going to be next week's post. We'll call that a teaser.
Please accept this alternate story as my Tuesday post (a day late).
Many years ago I had a young man work for me. He was a good guy. I can't remember his first name but I remember that his dad worked for the Secret Service. For now, I'll call him Paul.
It was late in the season and things were slowing down. I was in the water helping warm-up jet-skis in the morning when Paul rides in and says his jet-ski is making a funny noise. He asks me to come over and offer an opinion. Exasperated, because I'm always fixing problems, I walk over in the water to get a closer look. Just as I'm standing next to the jet-ski I notice Paul has a smirk on his face and he's about to open the forward hatch. Because most "noises" come from under the seat where the motor is located I begin to realize I've been drawn in to a trap. Too late. Paul opens the hatch to have a live squirrel jump out. I may have jumped too. I also may have peed a little but since I was standing in the water nobody will really know.
The squirrel swims to dry land and scampers off in to the marsh, probably wondering where he is and where he can find the nearest tree.
Apparently, Paul was riding along on his jet-ski when he saw this squirrel swimming in the Roanoke Sound. He reaches down, grabs it, and puts it in the forward hatch. Wouldn't you?
Like me, you're probably wondering why a squirrel was swimming in the sound. The answer is, we really have no idea. Know this, there are all kinds of stories of animals swimming in the soundside waters around here. Bear, deer, dogs, etc. It doesn't make any sense but it happens.
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Best wishes,
John Van Lunen
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