Travel + Leisure, Yart Sale, Ocracoke, Oliver Anthony
Sep 15, 2023
What You Should - and Should Not - Write On Your Luggage Tag, -Travel + Leisure
This sounds like a fun game. I'll start.
What you should NOT write on your luggage tag: Explosives, Weapons, Live Animals, Live Bugs, Cash, Lingerie, Hunter Biden, Donald Trump
What you should write on your luggage tag: Dirty Gym Clothes, Time-Share Literature, Old Sneakers, Our Lady of Perpetual Flatulence, Used Dog Toys
Class dismissed.
9/16/23, Fall Yart Sale, 8am-2pm
Don't miss the Muse #Bus252 Yart (yard + art) Sale in Powells Point, NC
9/23/23, Hyde County End of Summer Beach Bash, Ocracoke, 2:30-9PM
September is a great time to get to Ocracoke. Kick back, enjoy the weather, have some food, and listen to music.
Podcast I'm Listening To
I'm a little intrigued by Oliver Anthony because he exploded on the scene right here in our backyard (Currituck) and he seems to genuinely enjoy playing music for the entertainment and not the money or fame. His interview with Joe Rogan gets pretty deep and you'll see he's definitely an authentic person. If you're curious as to how this new-comer to the music industry ticks, this interview will answer a lot of questions.
Ahhh, Fall
I love summer, but sometimes I get tired of breaking a sweat just stepping outside my front door. Today's high is 75 degrees and I'm embracing it. It may not be the ideal water sports temperature, but it's definitely the perfect walking around temperature.
On That Note....
Are You Ready for Fall?
Nothing says "fall" like sitting outdoors around an open fire. Lately, portable fire pits have become very popular and they come in many shapes and sizes. Luckily, Consumer Reports magazine has done the research and their number one ranked fire pit is the Cuisinart Cleanburn Fire Pit.
The description from CR:
The Cuisinart Cleanburn Fire Pit is constructed from stainless steel and it’s burn chamber is 12 1/4 inches deep. It is designed to burn wood. It does not come with a cover. Ash from fires is captured in the removal base. The Cuisinart handled fires of different sizes with aplomb, started quickly, and burned the most completely of all tested firepits.
Surprisingly, the Solo Stove 2.0, which you may have seen all over the internet and in stores, is ranked 3rd. The big issue being incomplete burning of the wood. Consumer Reports does recommend it, but it comes at a higher price than the top-ranked Cuisinart.
You can purchase the Cuisinart Cleanburn Fire Pit using this link. Should you use this link to buy anything on Amazon, I may receive a small commission. Cheers!
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