Ready for an Outer Banks Weekend, 5/10/2024

buxton beach fake money hatteras lighthouse memorial weekend speeding worrell 1000 race May 10, 2024
gazebo on the Roanoke Sound

The Minus 5 mph Rule

I don't know the actual start date, but the "Minus 5 mph" rule is in full-effect.  Many drivers on the Outer Banks have apparently been instructed to drive 5 mph below the speed limit.  It didn't come from me.  I grew up on the D.C. beltway.  I know how to drive like a complete ass if I want to.  I choose, however, to be a reasonable person on these streets because I share these roads with many of my friends and I don't want to be "that guy".  That being said, come on, people.  Is it too hard to go the speed limit?  Some of you drive like you've been smoking weed.  Oh, now it all makes sense.


"Go directly to jail; do not pass go, do not collect $200"

It literally says, "Play Money" top, center.

Worrell 1000 Race

One of the coolest sailing races in the world starts May 12 in Hollywood, FL and has stops scheduled for the Outer Banks on May 22 and 23.  You can hear about the last race in Episode #020 with Hardy Peters.


If you've been following this story, it's good to hear that the issue is on the government's radar and help is on the way.  Hopefully, the beaches in Buxton can get back to pristine conditions.

Hatteras Lighthouse

They don't work in 25 mph winds?  That seems a bit liberal.  Have you ever been outside and try to do manual work in 20 mph winds?  200 feet above the ground?  No thanks.  How could anyone hold a tool with both hands in a death grip with the scaffolding?


Memorial Day Weekend

The unofficial start to summer is coming up and people will be trekking to the Outer Banks. Use this link to reserve a place to stay. Enjoy!



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Small print: Should you use any of the links to purchase something, I may receive a small commission.  Cheers again!
Have a Great Weekend,
John Van Lunen

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