Viking Funeral
I told my wife I wanted a Viking Funeral when I die. Put me in a boat, float it out in to Ginguite Creek, and set it on fire. She said, "Why wait? I'm free tomorrow."
Needless to say, my sleeping location is now classified information.
Proud of my friend, Will Thorp of High Cotton BBQ(, for being mentioned as having one of the best BBQ joints in North Carolina.
Chamber of Commerce Business Innovator of the Year
Sanctuary Vineyards won Business Innovator of the Year sponsored by the COA Small Business Center.
If you listened to Episode #018 with Sanctuary Vineyards' John Wright you probably figured out what an amazing job they're doing in Currituck County.
Plastic Pollution
I used to be so proud of myself for recycling plastics until I discovered the effort was barely making a difference with only 5% of plastics actually being made in to something else.
A more practical action is to cut down on plastics whenever possible. It's good to see North Carolina trying to make a change.
Super Bowl Sunday
If I were going to a local bar to watch the Super Bowl this Sunday I would go to Captain George's in Kill Devil Hills. Big space, plenty of TVs, good food, and friendly atmosphere.
Have a great weekend.
John Van Lunen
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